Die CYRACO Lösung:
Weltweit einsetzbar,
lokal steuerbar.
Die CYRACO Lösung bietet in Kombination mit Machine Learning (KI) und Augmented Reality (AR) die einfachste Möglichkeit Audits aus der Ferne, schnell und in Echtzeit, durchzuführen. Die Inspektion erfolgt mittels Augmented Reality App oder Smart Glasses, welche der Auditor bequem von seinem Büro aus leiten kann. Hierbei steuert der Auditor einen Mitarbeiter des zu testenden Unternehmens, das sich viele tausende Kilometer entfernt befindet. Da in Echtzeit auditiert wird, kann jederzeit eingegriffen werden, um Details genauer zu untersuchen bzw. sich anzeigen zu lassen.
Die CYRACO-Lösung in zwei Varianten:
We provide secure Android applications for both smartphones and smart glasses, allowing users to select the most apporpriate device depending on their requirements.
Inspections are automatically streamed and recorded in real-time, integrating all AR and AI information seamlessly within the platform and allowing auditors to control every aspect of the inspections remotely.
Through Augmented Reality technology, we are able to track in real-time the position of the user without GPS, allowing our platform to provide indoor navigation routes with their corresponding itineraries.
In addition to indoor navigation, we offer a wide range of AR and AI features that allow inspectors to interact remotely with the local user over the streaming session. These features include real-time 3D guidance, 3D object tagging, 3D measurements, OCR, AI-based object detections or AI-based gesture detection.
We provide a wide range of checklist templates and allow our customers to create their own set of requirement checklist to be implemented during the inspection process.
We provide object detection AI models that allow our application to automatically detect potential incidents over the course of the inspection using the data from the streaming session.
Every aspect of the inspection, from the streaming video itself, to all detected AR and AI artifacts, is recorded and automatically stored into the database, allowing the platform to automatically create all necessary reporting and documentation without any human interaction.
Our platform allows users to create AI-monitored streaming channels at will, automatically detecting any potential quality, safety or performance incident in real-time at any remote location.
On top of the wide selection of built-in incident detection models provided by default in our platform, we also allow our customers to create their own AI models that will automatically detect any potential incident according to their own standards and requirements.
Any detected incidents are automatically recorded and notified via our platform in real-time, allowing the users to create their own notification rules and customize their AI reporting.
The platform does not require any manual and time-consuming interaction in the remote locations. Everything can be managed directly from the web application, from the creation of the AI models to the creation of the streaming channels.
In addition to the visually-based AI detections and monitoring, we also provide an option to integrate a custom IoT monitoring box with a large range of sensors in order to detect additional incidents (e.g. particle, noise, temperature)
All data is securely stored according to the strictest data protection regulations (GDPR). All equipment is also secured via multiple sensor-based alert systems.
Extremely fast installation and setup. CYRACO offers the possibility to add new AI models and streaming channels, as well as to reuse existing equipment and AI models in an unlimited number of remote locations.